Kalsi Engineering was featured in an article in the business section of the Houston Chronicle on Sunday, May 8, 2016. The article describes the conservative business strategy the privately owned company has followed since its founding in 1978—a strategy that has allowed the company to survive the calamitous boom and bust business cycle of the oil patch. Several of the factors that have contributed to the long-term success of the company are avoiding debt, owning its own facilities instead of renting, maintaining cash reserves, providing products and services to two different energy industries (nuclear and oilfield), a commitment to retain experienced employees through good times and bad, taking advantage of the consulting engineering opportunities that arise when other companies turn to outsourcing, and using retained earnings to provide the funding necessary to continually improve the company’s own products, which include rotary seals and software.
The article provides background information on the founder of the company, M. S. Kalsi, who moved to the United States from India in 1967, and earned his masters degree and Ph.D. from the University of Houston. The article also describes some of the early history of the company.