We have made some updates to our online Kalsi Seals Handbook, which is now on Revision 51. This is an invaluable resource that has decades’ worth of seal implementation best practices plus a whole host of other related design implementation recommendations. Our customers and internal engineers refer to the Handbook frequently as a good source for design tips. Highlights of the revision follow.
Chapter A1 “Introduction” – Chapter A1 was revised to include an increase in a seal pressure limitation and to update several company photos.
Chapter B1 “Elastomer selection considerations” – Chapter B1 had some minor formatting updates and a hyperlinked contact prompt added. We also decided to remove the elastomer material compatibility table as the information contained in the table was not a complete reference. In addition, we commonly defer to the materials scientists and chemists we have developed relationships with over the years to provide the most current elastomer compatibility information.
Chapter B2 “HNBR seal material” – Chapter B2 had very minor modifications to formatting and cleaning up of no longer relevant verbiage.
Chapter B3 “FKM seal material” – Chapter B3 also underwent some minor formatting changes. Furthermore, we added a section on environmental considerations for the FKM seal material.
Chapter C7 “BDRP Rotary Shaft Seals” – In Chapter C7, we added a paragraph about two-piece grooves for seals that are nearly impossible to install in one-piece grooves. We also added detailed information about our BDRP test setup. Part of the detailed information that was updated was the rotational speed of the testing that was performed at 100 rpm (up from the previous 75 rpm).
Chapter C18 “Overview of high-pressure Kalsi Seals” – Chapter C18 was updated to include the BDRP Seal to the list of high pressure oil retention seals.
Contact our knowledgeable Kalsi Seal support staff to learn how Kalsi Seals can extend the performance and life of your rotary equipment.