The video above is a virtual tour of our rotary shaft seal testing lab. The video explains several types of test fixtures we use to evaluate new seal materials, geometries, and hardware arrangements. In an average year, we perform over 12,000 hours of rotary testing. This significant investment in testing sets us apart from other seal companies, and helps to reduce customer risk by comparing the performance of emerging seal technologies to the performance of seals that are currently used in the field.
The bulk of our testing is performed on a battery of standardized fixtures that are computer controlled, which allows them to operate 24 hours a day without continuous human involvement. The fixtures are adaptable to various operating conditions and seal sizes through the use of adapter sleeves, interchangeable housings, thermal controls, environment chambers, variable speed motors, and drive pulley options. Data acquisition systems record shaft speed, running torque, relevant pressures and temperatures, and the hydrodynamic pumping related leak rate of the rotary seals.
In addition to the battery of standardized rotary test fixtures, the video tour also includes two of our specialized fixtures. One of these fixtures is directed at extreme high pressure rotary sealing, and has been used to develop seals and hardware that are compatible with 7,500 psi rotary service. The other specialized fixture provides high temperature flow, to better simulate the thermal conditions experienced by oil well drilling tools. A heated thermal transport fluid is continuously circulated through the hollow rotating shaft, and around the seal housing, at a relatively high flow velocity. Because of the high operating temperature, this fixture is situated in a special fireproof room with an automatic fire suppression system. The tests are monitored remotely, using instrumentation and a video feed.
If you haven’t had a chance to tour our lab in person, please take a few minutes to view the video tour or contact us to learn more. We think you will be favorably impressed by our level of commitment to your success!