Dr. Kalsi, the founder of Kalsi Engineering, Inc., was featured in an April 20, 2018 article in the business section of the Houston Chronicle newspaper. The article is titled, “Engineering: […]

Rotary Seal Blog
Blogging is a way for Kalsi Engineering to provide up to date information more quickly than we can through traditional information channels like our seal handbook and static web pages. Here you will learn how we are working to solve industry problems through posts about new rotary seal products and posts about testing directed at specific industry problems and applications. You will also learn about the people who make it all happen, as we highlight the achievements and milestones in their lives. Visit our blog for the latest information on Kalsi-brand rotary seals and other Kalsi Engineering products and services.
Engineer Michael Cloninger joins Kalsi Engineering
Michael Cloninger joined the Kalsi Engineering team at our Charlotte, North Carolina office on January 8th, 2018. He joins the Consulting Group and will support the various engineering needs […]
Engineer Darshita Mistry joins Kalsi Engineering
Darshita Mistry joined Kalsi Engineering as a Consultant on January 15, 2018. She holds an M.S. in Computer Science. Additionally, she holds a B.E. and M.E. in Electrical Engineering. […]
Dr. Kalsi receives industry group recognition
There were record breaking low temperatures, along with broken water lines, sleet and freezing rain in New Orleans for the 2018 annual conference of the Air Operated Valve Users’ Group […]
Machine vision metrology for Kalsi-brand rotary seals
In our ongoing effort to continually improve our processes, Kalsi Engineering has invested in a new non-contacting automated machine vision measurement system. This new high-precision inspection machine will be used […]
Daniel Alvarez participates in Costa Rica medical mission
When Kalsi Engineering Vice President Daniel Alvarez transitioned to part-time employment on March 17, 2017 after 37 years of service, one of his goals was to have more time for […]
RCD Seals in excellent condition after 200 hours at 100 rpm and 2,300 psi
Introduction Although testing RCD seals is an expensive proposition, we test various seal designs across a range of operating conditions and hardware configurations. This allows us to confirm the performance […]
We presented four new papers at the ASME/NRC Pump and Valve Symposium
Kalsi Engineering, Inc. attended the 13th ASME/NRC Pump and Valve Symposium the week of July 17, 2017 in Silver Spring, Maryland. The following papers were presented at this conference by Kalsi Engineering. […]
Announcing a new revision of the Kalsi Seals Handbook™
Retrospective The newest revision of our rotary seal handbook was posted to our website on June 25, 2017. We thought this occasion would be a good time to look […]
A 200-hour test of 10-1/2” RCD Seals at 100 rpm and 2,300 psi
Introduction We test our RCD seals in a variety of conditions, to ensure that our customers can meet their goals for the dynamic pressure rating test established by API Specification […]