Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Kalsi Engineering, Inc. (KEI)™ staff has extensive experience in applying state-of-the-art finite element analysis (FEA) techniques to provide cost-effective solutions to our clients’ problems. We follow a rigorous approach in developing finite element models based on sound engineering principles and in solving them efficiently. KEI engineers have a proven ability to solve complex structural, thermal and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems using FEA combined with our solid educational background in disciplines like solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, plasticity, and thermal sciences. KEI’s skills and experience cover the following analyses:
- Linear elastic analyses
- Non-linear analyses: elastic-plastic, contact, hyper-elastic, and large deformation analyses
- Transient dynamic analyses: impact, modal and spectrum analyses
- Specialty analyses: fracture mechanics and fatigue life evaluation
- Steady state and transient thermal analyses
- Thermal-structural and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analyses
In addition to KEI’s remarkable staff, KEI has its own supercomputer that is able to solve FEA problems with millions of degrees of freedom in an efficient manner. KEI employs industry leading FEA packages along with some specialty software packages like RELAP which may provide input to the FEA problems. KEI also has the ability to perform strain gauge and fatigue life evaluation testing to augment the FEA results.