Nuclear Power Plant Engineering Consulting

Reliable and predictable performance of equipment is critical to the safety and economical operation of nuclear power plants. Mechanical equipment problems and failures are a leading contributor to unscheduled shutdowns, safety concerns and high maintenance costs. Kalsi Engineering, Inc. has helped numerous nuclear plants minimize these risks through comprehensive nuclear energy consulting services. Our experienced staff of engineering consultants helps plants develop cost-effective solutions to engineering and process problems in the nuclear industry, providing:
- Analysis Services: Kalsi Engineering, Inc. provides state-of-the-art analysis and performance testing services for the nuclear industry, including structural, fluid and thermal analysis, laboratory and flow loop testing and root-cause analysis.
- Design Services: Kalsi Engineering, Inc. can also help nuclear power plants by developing innovative designs for a variety of mechanical equipment used in the industry. We have designed pressure vessels, piping components, valves, pumps, and designed a variety of test fixtures.
- Process Services: Our consultants can also help nuclear power plants in their business operations by conducting plant-wide reviews and implementing appropriate programs to address problems in workflow and training. With seminars and self-assessment tools, Kalsi Engineering, Inc. helps plants improve their processes and reduce risks.
Kalsi Engineering has achieved industry-wide recognition among nuclear consulting companies, serving both individual and multiple utility groups. We have also worked with NSSS Owners’ groups, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and their Nuclear Maintenance Application Center (NMAC) on projects of major significance to the nuclear power industry. The results of these consultations include:
- Development of motor-operated valve performance prediction models and application guides for gate, globe, butterfly, and check valves for EPRI and NMAC
- Pressure locking and thermal binding methodologies and software
- Air-operated and hydraulically operated actuator stability and sizing methodology
- Failure investigation of an auxiliary feedwater pump steam turbine by overspeeding
- Independent review and improvement of a mechanical model for reactor core rod cluster control assembly insertion to predict force margins and prevent sticking
- Tilting pad thrust bearing hydrodynamic lubrication analysis and performance prediction under a temperature transient exceeding the manufacturer’s normal limits
- Reactor coolant pump seal modifications and testing under accident conditions to improve reliability under plant transients
- Transient thermal analysis of electric motor bearing operation under high-temperature, high speed accident conditions
- Development of an MOV Actuator Test Stand to evaluate actuator performance characteristics
- Train and support users of Kalsi Engineering, Inc. software:
- CVAP®, a validated program to predict wear/fatigue of valve internals and to prioritize check valve maintenance
- KVAP®, a state-of-the-art computer program for evaluating all common types of valves and actuators used in AOV & MOV applications
- Analyses and tests were performed to evaluate structural capability, fatigue life, and performance of electric motor-powered worm gear actuators. This multi-utility sponsored project provided a generic increase in actuator ratings, saving the industry millions of dollars.
Kalsi Engineering, Inc. is one of the leading nuclear engineering companies in the United States, providing our expertise to companies across the nuclear power industry. With our extensive expertise in the field, our nuclear engineering company is a valuable resource for any nuclear plant. We will help you develop and implement the best solution for your plant.
Contact us today to learn more about our nuclear engineering services and how we can help your nuclear plant achieve more.