Motor-Operated Valve Technology and Services
Kalsi Engineering provides comprehensive, industry-leading motor-operated valve (MOV) technology and services. For over 35 years Kalsi has developed and deployed value-added solutions to industry MOV problems including actuator thrust and torque rating extensions and cycle life evaluations, and, as a primary model developer for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) MOV Performance Prediction Program, NRC-approved methods to determine operating requirements for gate, globe, and quarter-turn valves. Other MOV services include design-basis reviews and engineering evaluations to determine actuator torque and thrust output capability predictions, valve operating requirements, and actuator-to-valve interface capability.
Technology & Services
Kalsi Engineering technologies and services include:
- KVAP® Software to evaluate actuator output capability and valve operating requirements.
- LiFE® Software to evaluate Limitorque actuator cycle life at extended operating torque and thrust.
- Motor-actuator torque test stand to determine actuator torque output and operational readiness.
- Design-basis reviews to define valve and actuator operating requirements and conditions.
- MOV Program development, reviews, and program augmentation services.
- NRC Generic Letters 89-10, 96-05, and 95-07 calculation and program augmentation services.
- ASME OM Code Mandatory Appendix III reviews and program augmentation services.
- Actuator qualification or qualification extension per IEEE-323, IEEE-344, and IEEE-382.
- Commercial grade dedication (CGD) support for actuator, valves, and components.
- Valve classification under Joint Owners’ Group (JOG) MOV Periodic Verification (PV) criteria.
- Design basis verification flow loop testing and calculations.
- Valve requirement calculations using EPRI MOV Performance Prediction Method (PPM) software.
- MOV fundamentals training.
Past Projects
- Limitorque life extension
- EPRI gate valve model development and design effects testing
- Actuator product line IEEE qualification testing
- Implementation guide for ASME OM Code Appendix III
- Modal frequency analysis of MOV assembly
- EPRI Gate Valve Thermal Binding-Pressure Locking method
Contact us today to learn more about our technology, services, and our past projects.