There were record breaking low temperatures, along with broken water lines, sleet and freezing rain in New Orleans for the 2018 annual conference of the Air Operated Valve Users’ Group and Motor Operated Valve Users’ Group. While the weather was causing havoc and gaining attention on the local news, Dr. M.S. Kalsi was receiving recognition from the nuclear industry’s Air Operated Valve Users Group.
On January 17th, 2018, Dr. Kalsi was presented with an achievement award in recognition of his dedication and contributions to the nuclear industry. In addition to the award, he was presented with a certificate stating:
“The Air Operated Valve Users Group is honored to recognize Dr. M.S. Kalsi for his lifetime of eminently distinguished engineering achievement rendered in support of air operated valves and the Nuclear Power Industry. Dr. Kalsi’s dedication to high technical achievement, innovative research and development contributions, including design, analysis, and testing over a long career have substantially improved the safe, predictable operation of air operated valves in nuclear power plants, thereby demonstrating the highest regard for public safety.”
Dr. Kalsi was also honored with video clips from nuclear industry colleagues and friends who thanked him for his personal and professional commitment to the industry. With a career spanning several decades, Dr. Kalsi’s contributions are significant and broadly range from valve testing, software development, design, nuclear experience and knowledge base to the industry. He was described in the presentation as a visionary and a key individual for air operated valves. While Dr. Kalsi is well known throughout the nuclear industry as a technical leader, it is his personal touch and relationship building that set him apart as attested by the presentation at the conference.
Although Dr. Kalsi had no immediate fixes for the cold weather-related troubles in New Orleans, he did manage to warm the hearts of those in attendance for his remarks as he humbly accepted the award, thanked everyone, and reaffirmed his commitment to do what is right for the industry. The employees of Kalsi Engineering are extremely proud of Dr. Kalsi, and congratulate him on this award.