As a critical provider of products and engineering services to nuclear power plants and the oil and gas industry, Kalsi Engineering has taken various steps to promote safety and preserve our ability to support customers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
We are fortunate that much of our business can be handled by telecommuting, allowing most of our staff to work from home. We are necessarily maintaining a skeleton crew on site to inspect incoming product and process rotary seal orders. To assure business continuity, other staff members who have inspection, shipping, and order processing experience are sheltering at home and are available to rotate into the skeleton crew as needed.
Kalsi engineering management values each employee and proactively develops policies to ensure their health and safety. Personal health and safety training and literature have been provided to all employees. Training topics covers social distancing, personal hygiene, typical virus transmission modes, handling potentially contaminated items, and lessons learned from other pandemics.
International and domestic business travel has been suspended. Permission to work on site is contingent on adherence to government and company pandemic-related policies, which include avoidance of mass transit and large gatherings. Employees who interact with individuals who have used mass transit or attended a large gathering or were sick within the preceding 14 days cannot enter our facilities without the approval of the Executive Management Team.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a significant ongoing challenge to our communities, businesses and nation. Our Executive Management Team continues to monitor the situation daily and adjusts protocols as needed to support and protect our employees, vendors, and customers as we navigate this fluid situation together.